
Anthony Betti

Anthony is an ambitious young Designer at Krause, where he has made significant contributions over the past two years. Anthony has played a pivotal role in several notable projects, including the award-winning Madrean Tower concept, McDowell Mountain Preserve, Biltmore 24, and The Resource Innovation Campus competition hosted by Reinventing Cities.

Driven by his interest in sustainable design, Anthony is dedicated to advancing environmentally conscious practices. His innovative approach and commitment to excellence have garnered recognition for Krause and established Anthony as an emerging leader within the firm.

Anthony earned his Bachelor of Architecture with a Minor in Sustainability from Iowa State University in 2022. His academic background, combined with his hands-on experience and creative vision, informs his work at Krause and shapes his contributions to the field of architecture and design.

Outside of his professional pursuits, Anthony enjoys immersing himself in the world of Formula One racing and engaging in friendly competition on the ice hockey rink.